Repair Cafe Home Page – work in progress

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Do you have clothing to be mended or items needing repair?

  • bikes, small furniture, toys, lamps, costume jewellery, family keepsakes, small appliances, other household items

Do you have items that need sharpening?

  • garden shears, kitchen knives, pruners

Experiencing a tech glitch?

  • smart phones, tablets, laptops

We can help! For free! Please bring your items

On Friday, June 17th, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

to St. John’s United Church

10990 West Saanich Rd (at Clayton Rd just north of Deep Cove Market)

North Saanich, B.C. V8L 5R9

For a map and parking information see

Coffee and tea will be available!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Repair Cafe North Saanich continues to adapt to meet COVID-19 public health guidelines and recommendations.

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